Log Flight
Log Flight is the main feature of MyLog. Every pilot should log their flights. MyLog makes it easy for you.
If you want to log Simulator hours you can read more from Log Simulator.
This document describes standard/EASA flight logging. If you are looking for FAA flight logging, you can read more from Log Flight (FAA).
All time formats are HH:MM.
Add Flight
Initial Section

You can enable more fields from Logging & Logbook Settings.
Open MyLog on your device.
Log in to your account.
Add Log button.
Select Add Flight Log from the bottom sheet or popover menu.
Enter date of your flight.
tipYou can select date from calendar or enter date manually.
infoYou can not select future dates.
infoDate format is DD/MM/YYYY.
Select or add aircraft.
tipWhen you type more than 3 characters, MyLog will show you suggestions. If your aircraft is not added to MyLog, you can add it by tapping + Add New button. You can read more about adding aircraft from Adding New Aircraft.
tipIf you double tap aircraft field you can select aircraft from your Aircraft Chooser.
Select departure airport.
Select destination airport.
tipWhen you type more than 3 characters, MyLog will show you suggestions. If your airport is not added to MyLog, you can report as missing. You can read more about Reporting Missing Airports.
Enter block off time.
Enter block on time.
When you enter block on time, MyLog will automatically calculate block time and show the rest of the fields.
You can use Capture Time feature to capture block off and block on times from photo or camera.
If you want to enter take off and landing times, you can enable it from Logging & Logbook Settings.

Pilot Time Section
- Select is this Multi Pilot Flight or Single Pilot Flight.
- If you select Single Pilot Flight, MyLog will ask you to select Single Engine or Multi Engine.
Pilot In Command Section
- Select Self or Other as PIC.
- If you select Other, MyLog will ask you to select pilot from your Flight Crews.
When you type more than 3 characters, MyLog will show you suggestions. If your crew is not added to MyLog, you can add it by tapping Add New button. You can read more about adding pilots from Adding New Flight Crew.
If you double tap crew name field you can select crew from your Crew Chooser.
If you add crew, this crew will be automatically added to Flight Crew List
Pilot Function Section
- Select Pilot Function as PM or PF.
- Select Landing count and condition.
If you want to enter take off count too, you can enable it from Logging & Logbook Settings.
Operation Condition Time Section
MyLog will automatically calculate Day and Night times.
If you want to modify Night time double tap on it.
- Set IFR switch as you need. If you enable you should see IFR time. If your time is different you can modify it by double tapping.
If you want to change default value of IFR field, you can change it from Logging & Logbook Settings.
Pilot Function Time Section
- Set PIC switch as you need. If you enable you should see PIC time. If your time is different you can modify it by double tapping.
- Set Co Pilot switch as you need. If you enable you should see Co Pilot time. If your time is different you can modify it by double tapping.
- Set Dual switch as you need. If you enable you should see Dual time. If your time is different you can modify it by double tapping.
- Set Instructor switch as you need. If you enable you should see Instructor time. If your time is different you can modify it by double tapping.
If you want to change default value of PIF, Co Pilot, Dual or Instructor field, you can change it from Logging & Logbook Settings.
Remarks Section
- Enter remarks and endorsments if you need.
Flight Crew Section
Search and add crew members if you need.
tipWhen you type more than 3 characters, MyLog will show you suggestions. If your crew is not added to MyLog, you can add it by tapping Add New button. You can read more about adding pilots from Adding New Flight Crew.
tipIf you double tap crew name field you can select crew from your Crew Chooser.
If you want to enter Rest time, you can change it from Logging & Logbook Settings.
Save Flight
When you finish entering necessary information, you can save your flight by tapping Save button. Review your flight and tap Save button if everything is correct. If you change anything, you can tap Cancel button.

After Save Options
If you save your flight, MyLog will ask you what to do next.

- Add Return Leg: If you select this option, MyLog will open new flight screen with same aircraft, on same date, with same crew but departure and destination airports were switched. You can change them if you need.
- Add Another Flight: If you select this option, MyLog will open empty new flight screen.
- Go to Flight log: If you select this option, MyLog will open details of recent log.