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Log Simulator

Just like flights, pilots should log their simulator hours. MyLog makes it easy for you, also.


If you want to log flight hours you can read more from Log Flight.


All time formats are HH:MM.

Initial Section

  1. Open MyLog on your device.

  2. Log in to your account.

  3. Add Log button.

  4. Select Add Simulator Log from the bottom sheet or popover menu.

  5. Enter date of your simulator session.


    You can select date from calendar or enter date manually.


    You can not select future dates.


    Date format is DD/MM/YYYY.

  6. Select or add simulator.


    When you type more than 3 characters, MyLog will show you suggestions. If your simulator is not added to MyLog, you can add it by tapping + Add New button. You can read more about adding simulator from Adding New Simulator.


    If you double tap simulator field you can select simulator from your Simulator Chooser.


    If you had a simulator session with generic simulator like FSTD, you can add a new simulator select Generic Simulator from the list.

  7. Select simulator location.


    When you type more than 3 characters, MyLog will show you suggestions. If your airport is not added to MyLog, you can report as missing. You can read more about Reporting Missing Airports.

  8. Enter start time of session.

  9. Enter end time of session.

When you enter start time and end time, MyLog will automatically calculate block time and show the rest of the fields.


Flight Crew Section

  1. Search and add crew members if you need.


    When you type more than 3 characters, MyLog will show you suggestions. If your crew is not added to MyLog, you can add it by tapping Add New button. You can read more about adding pilots from Adding New Flight Crew.


    If you double tap crew name field you can select crew from your Crew Chooser.

Remarks Section

  1. Enter remarks and endorsments if you need.

Save Flight

When you finish entering necessary information, you can save your simulator log by tapping Save button. Review your log and tap Save button if everything is correct. If you change anything, you can tap Cancel button.

After Save Options

If you save your log, MyLog will ask you what to do next.

  • Add Another Simulator Log: If you select this option, MyLog will open empty new simulator log screen.
  • Go to Simulator log: If you select this option, MyLog will open details of recent log.