📄️ Log Flight
Log Flight is the main feature of MyLog. Every pilot should log their flights. MyLog makes it easy for you.
📄️ Log Flight (FAA)
📄️ Capturing Times
MyLog can capture times automatically from aircraft displays. You can capture times from photo or camera.
📄️ Log Simulator
Just like flights, pilots should log their simulator hours. MyLog makes it easy for you, also.
📄️ Delete Log
If you want to delete a log from MyLog you can do it from different screens.
📄️ Edit Log
After you save a flight you can edit whenever you want. You can navigate edit screen via Log Detail screen. Log Detail screen provides an icon at the right top of screen for editing. When you tap edit button, you will navigate to the Edit Screen.
📄️ Custom Fields
If you feel built-in fields is not enough for you and you need to log more data you can use Custom Fields.
🗃️ Dashboard
2 items
🗃️ Logs Screen
1 item
📄️ Flight Map
Flight map screen visually represents your flights in a map view. You can filter which flights you want to see at your flight map and you can save and share your flight ma as an image.
📄️ Conflicted Logs
There are two different conflicts in MyLog.
📄️ Log Detail
Log detail page contains all details and additional features of a log record.