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Log Detail

Log detail page contains all details and additional features of a log record.

There are various ways to access log detail page.

Flight List / Home Screen

Tap log information card to access relevant log's detail page.


  1. Open Logbook page
  2. Long press the log row that you want to access details page
  3. Tap Go To Detail context menu item.

Screen Details

Log detail page contains all information that stored as log record. These information may change with log type or logbook type.


If you want to update any information about log, tap edit button located on the right top of screen


If you want to delete the log record, tap Delete this log record button located at the very bottom of screen.

Flight map can be seen at the bottom of the page. The route is drawn as great circle.


An active internet connection requires to render map. If you are offline, you will see a gray background


MyLog allows you to add documents to the logs. If you want to add a document to a log, open Log Detail page and scroll down to Documents section.


Maximum file size for adding document is 50mb.


Supported file formats: .mov, .avi, .jpg, .png, .pdf, .xls, .txt

Add Document

Tap + Add Document button to add new document.

You can choose the format that you want to add.

Delete Document

Tap delete icon on right side of the document. Buraya image gelecek


Log detail page offers a few gestures to navigate other logs.

Swipe Left

Swiping left opens previous log.

Swipe Right

Swiping right opens next log.