Add New Simulator
In MyLog unlike the aircraft, simulators should be added by the pilot to use them while logging.
There are two ways to add to simulator. You can add simulator while adding a log or you can add simulator from Simulator List.
Adding Simulator While Logging
Add Log button at the home screen or drawer.
Select Add Simulator Log from the bottom sheet or popover menu.
Enter the registration of the simulator you want to add to the registration field.
If the simulator is not exists in MyLog, you will see options like this:

- Tap + Add New button.
Continue reading from Add New Simulator Screen.
Adding Simulator from Simulator List
- Open Settings screen.
- Scroll down and tap Simulators.
- Tap + button at the top right corner.
Continue reading from Add New Simulator Screen.
Add New Simulator Screen
Enter name of the simulator. This name is used to recall the simulator in the future for easy selection.
infoIf you arrived here from Add Simulator Log screen, the registration you entered will be automatically filled to the Name field. You can use as is or you can change it as you wish.
Enter the registration of the simulator to Registration field.
warningIf the registration you entered is not valid, you will see an error icon on the left side of the registration field. You can not continue without a valid registration.
Simulated Aircraft Section
Normally every simulator aims to simulate a real aircraft. In this section you will select the simulated aircraft for the simulator. This aircraft type information will be used in your logs.
Search the manufacturer of the simulated aircraft.
tipWhen you type more than 3 characters, MyLog will show you suggestions.
Search the model of the simulated aircraft related to the manufacturer.
tipWhen you type more than 3 characters, MyLog will show you suggestions.
infoMyLog uses ICAO Standard Aircraft Type Designators. You can find the whole list here. If your simulator is not depending on a real aircraft, you can select Generic Manufacturer from the list as Manufacturer and Generic Aircraft as Type.
Simulator Type Section
Simulators can be grouped in two types, Full Flight Simulators (FFS) and Flight Training Devices / Fixed Based Simulators (FTD). You can select the type of the simulator in this section.
- Tap Save button. This will add the simulator to MyLog and you can use it in your logs.
If you arrived here from Add Simulator Log screen, after successful save you will be redirected to Add Simulator Log screen with the new simulator selected.