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Simulator List

Simulator List screen shows all of the simulators that you added. You can use these simulators in your logs. You can also add new simulator from this screen.

  1. Open Settings screen
  2. Scroll down and find Aircraft button at Offline Data Management section.
  3. Tap on Simulators button.
  1. You will see the list of simulators. You can search the simulators by typing the registration or the name at the search bar.

Sync Simulator List

You can sync the simulators list by tapping the sync button at the top right corner. This will sync your device with the latest simulator list of you from the server.

Add Simulator

You can add new simulator to the list by tapping the plus icon at the top right corner. You can read more about adding simulator from Add Simulator page.

Simulator Details

If you tap any simulator, you will see the details of the simulator. You can read more about simulator details from Simulator Details page.

Edit Simulator

Tap the pencil icon at the top right corner to edit the simulator. You can read more about editing simulator from Edit Simulator page.