Add New Aircraft
MyLog differs from other logbook applications with its aircraft management. It is named Collobrative Aircraft Database and it is a database of aircrafts that are added by MyLog users. You can add your aircraft to this database and use it in your logs. You can also use aircrafts that are added by other users. So every user can benefit from other users' aircrafts.
Aircraft added by a user should be approved by MyLog team before it can be used by other users. This is to prevent inaccuracy, spam and abuse.
There are two ways to add to aircraft. You can add aircraft while adding a log or you can add aircraft from Aircraft List.
Adding Aircraft While Logging
- Enter the registration of the aircraft you want to add.
- When the aircraft is not exists in MyLog, you will see options like this:

Tap + Add New button.
You will see Add New Aircraft screen.
warningIf the registration you entered is not valid, you will see an error icon on the left side of the registration field. You can not continue without a valid registration.
Search the manufacturer of the aircraft.
tipWhen you type more than 3 characters, MyLog will show you suggestions.
Search the model of the aircraft related to the manufacturer.
tipWhen you type more than 3 characters, MyLog will show you suggestions.
infoMyLog uses ICAO Standard Aircraft Type Designators. You can find the whole list here.
If you want to add some personal notes about the aircraft, you can enter them to Notes field.
infoNotes are stored as user based and not shared with other users.
Tap Save button. This will add the aircraft to MyLog and you can use it in your logs.
infoWhen you add an aircraft, it should be approved before other users can use it. If the aircraft you added is not approved and you used it in a log, you will receive an email about this. Also those logs will be marked as Conflicted in MyLog. You can read more about conflicted logs from here.