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Dynamic Data

MyLog offers lots of information about your flights and your flight times. You can see these information on the home screen, logbook screen or dashboard screen.

But sometimes users may want to see different information which is not available by default. For example, flight time of a specific aircraft, total flight time between two custom dates, total flight time of a specific aircraft type, etc. For these requirements, MyLog offers Dynamic Data feature.


If you don't see Dynamic Data section in dashboard screen, you can add it via Customize Dashboard button.

Add Dynamic Data

  1. Open Dashboard screen.
  2. Scroll to Dynamic Data section. (If you don't see this section, you can add it via Customize Dashboard button.)
  3. Tap Add New button on the bottom of the section.
  1. Fill the fields according to your requirement.


Name of the dynamic data. This name will be shown on the dashboard screen.

Time Filter Type

Actual: This filter type will filter the logs according to the actual dates.

Duration: This filter type will filter the logs according to the duration. For example you can filter the logs for last 15 days, last 3 months, etc.

Time Filter

When you select Actual filter type, you can select the dates.

Start Date: The start date of the filter. Your data will be filtered from this date.

End Date: The end date of the filter. Your data will be filtered until this date.


If you want to filter until begining you can select No Start Date option and if you want to limit until now you can select No End Date option.

Duration Type

When you select Duration filter type, you should select the duration type.

Last: Last means now minus duration For example, last 15 days, last 3 months, etc.

In Calendar: In Calendar means now minus duration but it will be calculated according to calendar. For example, when you select 2 calendar months, it will be calculated as 2 months ago from now and starts from the first day of that month.

When you select Duration as Time Filter type, you should enter the duration as number and time type as day, week, month or year.

Value Type

Value type is the type of the data that you want to see. You can select one of the following types:

Flight Time: Total time of the filtered logs.

Landing: Total landing count of the filtered logs.

Time Source Type

When you select Flight Time as Value Type, you should select the time source type. Your options are:

Total Time: Total time of the filtered logs.

PIC Time: Total PIC time of the filtered logs.

Dual Time: Total Dual time of the filtered logs.

Co-Pilot Time: Total Co-Pilot time of the filtered logs.

Instructor Time: Total Instructor time of the filtered logs.

Night Time: Total Night time of the filtered logs.

IFR Time: Total IFR time of the filtered logs.

Rest Time: Total Rest time of the filtered logs.

SP SE Time: Total Single Pilot Single Engine time of the filtered logs.

SP ME Time: Total Single Pilot Multi Engine time of the filtered logs.

Multi Pilot Time: Total Multi Pilot time of the filtered logs.

Flight Time: Total Flight time of the filtered logs.

Sim Time: Total Simulator time of the filtered logs.

Operation Type

Operation type means, do you want to see sum of the data or average of the data.


If you want to filter the logs according to the manufacturer of the aircraft, you can select the manufacturer.


If you want to filter the logs according to the model of the aircraft, you can select the model.

Update Dynamic Data

  1. Open Dashboard screen.
  2. Scroll to Dynamic Data section. (If you don't see this section, you can add it via Customize Dashboard button.)
  3. Tap the Edit button on the right side of the dynamic data that you want to update.
  4. Update the fields according to your requirement.
  5. Tap Save button.

Delete Dynamic Data

  1. Open Dashboard screen.
  2. Scroll to Dynamic Data section. (If you don't see this section, you can add it via Customize Dashboard button.)
  3. Tap the Edit button on the right side of the dynamic data that you want to update.
  4. Tap delete icon on the top right corner.
  5. Tap Delete it button on the confirmation dialog.