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Logs screen is the screen that you can see all of your logs. You can filter your logs by date, aircraft, flight crew, flight type, flight conditions, and more. You can also edit and delete logs from this screen.

Logs screen offers a lot fucntionalities.

You can search your logs by using the search field on the top of the screen. You can search by aircraft, flight crew, flight type, flight conditions, and more. Just type at least three characters to start searching than you will see search types.

Search Types

This option will search the characters you wrote in the logs by aircraft registration.

Search Options

When you select a search type, you will see the search options and chip over result list. You can remove the search by tapping the cross icon on the chip.


You can search by multiple types at the same time. After you select first search type, you can select another search type and so on.


If you tap on the chips, this will create a AND search with selected chips. If you don't tap on the chips, this will create a OR search. You can change this behavior by tapping on the chips.


You can order your logs by flight date, log date, distance and time. Just tap the menu button on the top right corner and select the order type.


You can change the order type by tapping the order type again. Default order is flight date and descending.

Export to Excel

You can export search results to Excel. Just tap the menu button on the top right corner. When you tap Export To Excel, you will see a dialog requires you select one of two options.

Import Suitable Export: This option will export the logs with the columns that are suitable for import to MyLog.

Custom fields included export: This option will export the logs with all columns including custom fields.

Show in Flight Map

You can see the search results on the flight map. Just tap the menu button on the top right corner and select Show in Flight Map.

Show in logbook

You can see the search results on the logbook. Just tap the menu button on the top right corner and select Show in Logbook.

Calendar View

You can see your logs in the calendar view. Just tap the menu button on the top right corner and select Calendar View.

In calendar view you can see your logs as dots on the calendar. When you tap on a day which contains dots, you will see the log details at the bottom of the screen. If you want to see the log detail, just tap on the log.

To return to the list view, just tap the List View button on the top right corner.

Calendar view has two different view, Month and Day. Default view is Month. You can change the view by tapping the three dots button on the top right corner. Day view will show you the logs of the selected day. You can navigate between days by tapping carrots on the top right corner.

Delete Log

Delete Single Log

You can delete a single log by swiping the log to the left or right. You will see a delete button. Just tap the delete button to delete the log.

Delete Multiple Logs

You can delete multiple logs at the same time. Just tap the menu button on the top right corner and select Delete Multiple Logs.


Search function is not available in the multiple delete mode.

You will see a delete overlay when you select a log for deletion. You can either select logs one by one or select all logs by tapping the Select All button.

After you select the logs you want to delete, just tap the Delete selected (x) logs button on the right top corner.