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Previous Experiences

Starting to use a new logbook application can be a little bit challenging. But MyLog offers different ways to ease this process. Previous Experiences feature is one of them.


For other ways to add your current hours, see Import Data section.

What is Previous Experiences?

Previous Experiences feature allows you to enter your previous hours and experiences directly to MyLog.

Adding Previous Experience

  1. Open Settings screen
  2. Tap Previous Experiences item
  3. Tap + button located at the right top of screen
  4. Enter Total Time. This field is the only required field.
  5. Enter other fields if you want

You can add your previous experience only by entering total time or you can enter all fields and details. If you opt to enter all fields and details, MyLog will use these data to refine your statistics like Flying Hours By Aircraft Type.

  1. When you finish entering data, tap Save button located at the bottom top of screen.

Listing Previous Experiences

If you previously added any previous experience, you can see them in Previous Experiences screen.

You can see the details of a record just below it.

Editing Previous Experience

If you want to edit a previous experience, you can do it by tapping the edit icon located at the right side of the record.

Deleting Previous Experience

If you want to delete a previous experience, you can do it by tapping the delete icon located at the right side of the record.