Offer Codes
If you are using iOS or iPadOS and if you have an offer code, you can use it to get a discount on your subscription.
Offer codes are only available for iOS and iPadOS users. You can not use an offer code if you are using Android.
Use your offer code
- Open MyLog on your device.
- Login to your account.
- Tap Settings.
- Tap to your name and surname at the top of the screen.
- Tap Upgrade button at the Membership Type section
- Tap I have an offer code button.
- Enter your offer code.
- Tap Reedem button.
This screen is designed and provided by Apple and there are some issues with this screen. If the Redeem button is not active, you need to try again to enter your offer code
When you enter your offer code, your operating system will handle the subscription process. You will be asked to confirm the subscription.