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Flight Crews

Flight Crews screen under Offline Data Management section in Settings screen allows you to manage your flight crews. You can add, edit or delete a flight crew from this screen.

Adding New Flight Crew

To get more information about adding new flight crew you can visit Adding New Flight Crew page.

Updating Flight Crew Information

To update a flight crew information, tap on the flight crew you want to update. You will see details screen which you can view the details of crew. To update those information tap the edit button on the right corner. Then you can update the information and tap Save button.

Deleting Flight Crew

Swipe to Delete

You can swipe left or right on a flight crew to delete it.

Delete Button

Find the crew you want to delete and tap to reach detail page then you can tap Delete this crew button at the bottom of the screen.


Deleting a crew will not delete the logs that are associated with this crew and will not delete the information from the logs.