Airport Details
You can see the details of an airport by tapping on the airport from the airport list. You can see the details of the airport and the flights that are logged at this airport.

Airport Information
- Name: Name of the airport
- ICAO Code: ICAO code of the airport
- IATA Code: IATA code of the airport
- City: City of the airport
- Country: Country of the airport (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code)
- Sunrise: Sunrise time of the airport in UTC.
- Sunset: Sunset time of the airport in UTC.
- Elevation: Elevation of the airport
- Coordinates: Coordinates of the airport
You can tap the coordinates to open the airport location in the map applications on your device. (This list may vary depending on your device)

Used Flights
This number indicates how many flights are logged at this airport. If you tap the number, you can see the list of flights that are logged at this airport.
Notes about the airport provided by Airport Notes. If you want to take notes about the airport, you can download Airport Notes app and take notes.
The notes are fetched from Airport Notes servers and required an internet connection. If you don't have an internet connection, you will not see the notes.